Highways are connections between maps
How to use the highway?
- To use a highway, first select the group that you want to use the highway and then click on the street. After this you will get a menu to select the target map.
The group will arrive on the same side of the map where they left the map.
Example: If you use the north highway on the source map, the groups will also arrive on the north highway on the target map.
Where are the highways?
- three Highways are located at the middle of each side (north, west, south, east) of the map. So 12 highways in total. You see them as gray lines on the Map.
- Boats use the River as "Highway" to get to other maps. Click on the River on a corner of the map to open the highway menu.
Fuel required to use highway:
- The use of highways requires fuel. How much fuel is required depends on the fuel spent of the vehicle that the highway should use. 20% of the req. fuel amount will be transfered to the target map.
- To use the highway you will need 1,000x of fuel the vehicle/helicopter consumes per second when it drives. So the Humvee needs 2,000 fuel. 400 fuel will be credited to the other map when the Humvees arrives on the target map.

Newest map protected:
- The highway is always inaccessible to the two newest Maps and to maps that started less than 7 days ago
Military centrals needed:
- You will need enough free military points on the target map, you can increase them by bulding more military centrals there. If you have more military points than military maximum points on multiple maps then you cannot use the highway. solution: build more military centrals or reduce military points by sending the troops into battle.
Enough group limit:
- You need enough free group limit available on the target map so that the highway can be used. If you have more groups than group limit on several maps, the highway cannot be used. Solutions: Build group limit expansion buildings or capture more bases or reduce groups by sending the troops into battle or reduce groups by combining groups.
Free APC:
- If you have no base on a map and you destroy all base defense of an ememy base then you will get a free apc on that map to conquer the base.
Maps without highway:
- The Maps 1-10 have no highways.
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